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Writer's pictureShyam Sadasivan

5 Things To Do If You’re Thinking Of A Career Change at 30

At 30, you’re in the prime of your career. But there are many people who hesitate to leave their jobs and even consider a career change at 30. Read on to know more about the most common misconceptions and what you must ensure before making the switch.

career change at 30

By the time the average person hits 30, they believe it's already too late for them to change careers. So even if they are unhappy in their chosen fields of career - they believe they have no choice but to grit their teeth and power through.

But switching careers at this age doesn't have to be hard. If you're thinking of this change as ONE BIG STEP, you'll probably struggle. Instead, plan the change with series of small strategic moves.

The world of work is constantly changing, and there are plenty of opportunities out there for people who are prepared to seize them. In this article, we’ll take a look some common misconceptions about changing careers and what you must ensure before making the switch!

We hope that by reading this, you’ll be more informed and ready to make the jump when the time is right.

Let’s get started!

The biggest risk a person can take is to do nothing. - Robert T. Kiyosaki

3 Reasons To Believe Career Change At 30 Is A Bad Idea

There are a lot of myths circulating when it comes to career change at 30. Many people believe that they need to completely reinvent themselves in order to find success. This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities available to those who are willing to look for them.

Let us dispel 3 common myths about career change, so you can make the decision that's best for you.

  • Earning potential - Most people believe completely switching career paths to another industry would result in a chance of agreeing to a pay cut or start at the same salary. Whereas if they were to switch companies within the same field of work, it would be easier to negotiate a higher salary. They already have a track record to prove their word.

  • Job security - Staying at the same place more often guarantees being part of the system. Chances of getting laid off are slimmer. In a new company, especially in a new industry, job security would not be guaranteed. Besides, starting at a new place also means being on probation.

  • Company Culture/Career Culture - It’s easier to navigate within a company that you already have been a part of. It is common knowledge that it takes six months to get used to any kind of new setup. A lot of people, therefore, stay in jobs they are unhappy at just because the culture agrees with them.

But what should you do if you would like to switch your job at 30?

Well, first of all, one needs to understand that age is just a number.

You can start over as many times as you want, in as many industries as you want.

5 Things to Ensure Before Switching Careers at 30

It's been said that by the time you're 30, you've earned enough experience and knowledge to switch careers multiple times. So if you're at that point in your life, here are five things to make sure you do before making the switch.

  • Ask Questions - Ask your friends and family what they like about their jobs. Ask yourself what you like doing and see if your skills can be utilized for a job change opportunity. Get to really know yourself when it comes to your work. If it feels like you have no career direction, get to the real reason why you want to change careers. It is entirely possible that you are in the right industry, but the wrong role. A lot of people could belong in the ecosystem of an ad agency but they could be in the wrong job role. For example: if your passion is sales, you would be unhappy if you’re put in a job that requires you to write copies for products.

  • Savings - If you already have made up your mind that you do not wish to continue down the career path you’re currently on, the first thing you need to do is evaluate your lifestyle. Take into account your monthly expenditure. Once you know that, you’ll know exactly the amount you need to have in your savings. For switching careers, while exhilarating, isn’t without its set of problems.

  • Research - Don’t quit your job immediately. Once you’ve decided your current career path isn’t what you’re looking for, research industries that you are interested in. Make lists and look at what jobs they have to offer that overlap with your skills. In case you need to upskill yourself to apply to your dream job, use this time to do so. In this digital age, it’s possible to learn new skills from the comfort of your home.

  • Don’t Rush - While the thought of changing careers at 30 could be an impulsive one, your actions need not be the same. Take your time with the research and narrow down to the career you would like to try your hand at next. Once you’re dead sure, start applying to places. Things will fall into place. As iterated before, age isn’t the determining factor for a career change.

  • Network - Finally, begin networking with people who are from the industry that you’re interested in. One of the best ways to do this is LinkedIn groups and connections. Networking will help you navigate your way into your dream career. Talking to people from industries you’re interested in, will also help you understand which career you think is the right for you.

There is no right or wrong age to be switching your career. After all, 30 is the new 20.

And your 20s are for exploring options and figuring out which is the right fit for you.

However, if you are still wondering if you should go through with your plan of changing careers, you can always check if you know everything you need to if you’re switching your career at 30!


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