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From Technology To Health and Wellness
This is the story of Apoorva Joshi who went from technology consulting to nutrition counselling. She shares with us how she prepared herself for this career change, how her lifestyle changed during the pandemic and offers top 3 tips for anyone who'd like to pursue a career in health and wellness.
What inspired you to change your career?
After I quit consulting, I decided to follow my passion for food and health. I was in the process of setting up a healthy food business. However, considering the kind of misinformation and pseudo healthy products we get in the market, I thought it is better to educate myself about health and nutrition first to come up with better formulations and menus. The decision of getting formal education in the field changed the whole career path for me because I fell in love with the process of nutrition counselling while studying.
If you've got your heart set on switching careers, research your options first. Find out if it'll help if you study further or get professional training.
How did you know that this was the career choice for you?
When I started with an internship in this field, the joy of seeing people transform their lives with my work was very satisfying. It slowly grew on me. A chain of such experiences made me sure about switching to this field.
Making a career decision is a process; understanding one's skills, getting feedback, having a series of conversations with people, getting mentored and so much more.
Changing careers can be long and daunting. How did you prepare yourself for this change?
Luckily, I was free of responsibilities and had some savings to not have to worry about the financial aspect. Emotionally and physically, I had the support of my family. Also, I decided to focus only on the next step instead of the whole career path. It helped in not getting overwhelmed with the change.
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Spend time in planning your career change to think about your physical and mental health, your relationships and your bank balance.
What did you struggle with the most while switching?
Gaining self-confidence was the most difficult part. I struggled to admit that I am still studying while most of my peers were well settled into their careers. Only after I started working successfully in this field did I gain the confidence of having made the right decision.
Take time to develop your confidence. Be proud of your accomplishments, stand up for yourself and get things done.
Could you name some transferable skills that helped in your career transition?
I was into technology consulting before I started out in health and wellness. Therefore, I was naturally more tech savvy than most people in the health and wellness field. It helped me in doing a lot of tech related work by myself.
A great way to know your transferable skills is to check if your experience (this could be academic, personal or professional) aligns with the skills needed for the job.
Did you make any lifestyle changes that helped you?
Yes, I did! Especially in the last couple of years during the pandemic, I started focussing more on my own wellbeing. I realised that the time spent on my mental or physical wellbeing is an investment and not a waste. I take an hour for myself in the morning, and this helps with my everyday productivity.
A career shift is likely to bring with it a new routine, which may affect your health and work/life balance. Take small steps - eat healthy, take a walk, sleep 8 hours. Indulge in some self-care.
What’s the best piece of advice you received when you decided to switch careers?
"When in doubt, study." My first boss in the current field used to say this to anyone who was in two minds about their career. I think it made a big difference in getting myself educated when I did not know what to focus on.
I love what Dr Seuss says about learning - "The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
What are your top 3 tips for anyone who’d like to pursue a career in wellness?
1. Practical experience from internships or jobs teaches you way more than studying.
2.Give yourself enough time to learn, practice, and establish yourself in this field. Early success is not guaranteed.
3.Never stop learning. This field changes every month. You are only as good as your latest learning.
Thank You Apoorva!
Thank you for taking the time to talk to us about your career journey so far! We hope that this career transition story helps people who are feeling stuck and looking for inspiration to make a change.
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